Captured in yesterday this painting reveals something more than the reflection of light and dark. I see time left behind, a glimpse of back roads and a trail to the past.
The writer in me created a story based on the small cabin near the base of a mountain lake, where the river meets the road and time stands as still as the water in this deep mountain lake. Is there revelation in reflection?
From a distant vantage point mountains disappear from view, and yet they vividly rise from the base of the painting, a point of reference found in most scenes glimpsed by the artist. The image, borrowed from Smith Art imparts a kind of safe haven for whoever lived in that time and place. "Along the Back Roads of Yesterday" implies a trail of sorts, given way to treasures life has left back there, alone in the woods at the foot of the mountain, where boys go when they want to find to origin of life.
Whether this mountain is the revelation of such a setting or not, the implication of time standing still offers a safe, secure place of refuge for those seeking escape from today. Consider taking a stroll of your own along with Mr. Meadow Lark...
A striking picture Jan. You do attractive, realistic work.